CMMT-AS/EMMB-AS-xx-xx-K-S30Mx Battery Errors: ‘Protocol error Nikon-A encoder’ and ‘Encoder Type Plate Invalid’
When selecting a multi-turn encoder on the EMMB-AS motor series, you are required to purchase an encoder cable adapter (highlighted in gray below) in addition to the motor and encoder cables that include a battery holder.
*NOTE: The battery is not included or sold by Festo and must be purchased separately (see specs below).*
Recommended Batteries:
At the time of this publication, the batteries can be purchased through Amazon and are approximately $22. It is important to obtain the version with the brown connector (JAE IL-2S-S3L-(N) specification) and to double-check the polarity of the connector (red +, black -). See connector image below.
If you connect the EMMB-AS multi-turn motor to the CMMT-AS drive and turn on the power without the battery connected, or if you inadvertently purchased the single turn encoder adapter without the battery holder, you will receive one of the following errors:
Note: This will not damage the encoder but you will be unable to enable or operate the system.
Error number: D0.18|04|00236.0 Protocol error Nikon-A encoder
Error number: D0.18|00|00095.0 ‘Encoder type plate invalid’
Author: Dave Thomas
Festo USA – Mechatronics Technology Engineer